Friday, August 22, 2014


Today was a good day.  I live a good life.  There is usually a bit of drama and I seem to always be starting projects, like this blog.  I’m not one to walk away from a project though, I just get busy, so I sometimes take extra time to get things done.  I work well with lists.  I like lists, they help me through my day.

I guess introductions are in order.  Hi, I am a 26 year old mom to two adorable girls.  I’ve been 28 for quite a few years, but nobody ever believes me when I say how old I really am, so 28 works.  I don’t live with my girls.  They live with my ex.  We were together for 4 years solidly, then I chose to be real with her.  She didn’t like it, she wanted me to slow down, so I tried.  That lasted for around 3 weeks.  Have you ever carried a secret with you for your entire life, then in an instant, you find yourself able to share it?  That is what happened to me.  I was finally able to tell everyone my deepest secret.  The one I held in for so many years.  It was tough.  I lost a lot of very close people.  People I never thought I’d lose.  Some I saw coming, but many I thought would be there.  It was so hard.  Ultimately, I left my ex.  I moved out of the house and left the kids with her.  She was more stable at the time and she was doing ok.  I knew my life would be too unstable to keep my girls with me, so I let her keep them.  I love my daughters and I don’t ever want to do anything to hurt them.

So, enough about the past.  You will learn all that stuff soon enough.  Currently, I am in a very wonderful relationship with a very wonderful, absolutely beautiful woman.  She is amazing and she likes to take care of me and help me when she can.  I do the same for her.  We are very codependent like that.  She has lots of kids and they are wonderful.  We like to go do fun stuff on our off time.  We have taken a day trip to the ocean, gone to the demolition derby, sat in the river all day, and more.  We are always doing something.  It is amazing because she and I are both Methodists.  That makes it so nice.

I am a college graduate, I am a web designer, graphic designer, print designer, I work in a print shop, and I make decent money.  I love my job.  I don’t have to go to work, I get to go to work.  It has its ups and downs, but what job doesn’t?

So, that is the basics of me.  Thank you for being a part of my life.  Please, I hope you comment below.  I cannot wait to see what you have to say.  It is always a highlight to my day to see comments on what I’ve written.  Just please remember, courtesy and kindness are virtues I like.  Spam, trolling, and flaming are not.